The American School of Gas Measurement Technology (ASGMT) has been at the forefront of flow measurement training since its inception in 1966. Over the years, ASGMT has evolved to encompass comprehensive training in measuring fluids in both gas and liquid states. With a commitment to excellence, ASGMT now offers an extensive curriculum comprising over 120 lecture classes, complemented by 54 Hands-On Product Training sessions led by industry experts, and sessions providing a brief overview of new products.


September 15th – 18th, 2025


Natural Gas Liquid Measurement-Direct & Inferred Mass

Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) streams consist of mixtures of hydrocarbons including ethane, propane, butane, pentane and natural gasoline. NGL is sometimes referred to as y grade. The American Petroleum Institute (API) Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS) Chapter 14 Section 7 provides guidance on the mass measurement of NGL.

Multipath Ultrasonic Meters for Custody Transfer of Natural Gas

Over the past 30 years, gas ultrasonic meters have transitioned from the engineering lab to wide commercial
use as the primary device of choice to measure gas volume for custody transfer accounting. Wide acceptance
and use by gas pipeline companies has occurred during this time due to the device’s

Ultrasonic Meter Diagnostics – Basic

This paper discusses fundamental principles of ultrasonic gas flow meters used for measurement of natural gas and the available basic diagnostic capability to assess meter operation and performance.


Gas chromatography is one of the most widely used techniques for analyzing hydrocarbon mixtures. Some of the
advantages of chromatography are the range of measurement (from ppm levels up to 100%), the detection of a wide
range of components, and the repeatability of the measurements

Integrating And Trending Usm, Flow Computer, And Chromatograph Diagnostics To Identify Measurement Problems

Today’s smart measurement devices produce significant diagnostics information. When the diagnostics from the various devices are collected, trended, and integrated, operators can remotely and continuously identify measurement problems. The vocabulary associated with this topic is evolving. In the past, the industry used terms such as SCADA and Condition Based Monitoring to describe this process.

New Ideas For Orifice Metering: Increasing Turndown Using Orifice Meter Technology & Esg Mitigtigation In Orifice Metering Systems

Well and pipeline flow rates are often variable. Shale wells experience a steep decline curve. Pad drilling can bring on new wells, increasing flow, followed by declining flow in the future. This paper describes a strategy that can be employed to increase the operational flow range over which an orifice meter may be operated, thus …

New Ideas For Orifice Metering: Increasing Turndown Using Orifice Meter Technology & Esg Mitigtigation In Orifice Metering Systems Read More »

Problems Unique to Offshore Gas Measurement

Some major problems and unique solutions will be addressed with gas measurement on offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. This presentation will show the major roll safety, transportation, and weather play in the technician’s ability to verify the accuracy of the gas measurement facility.

Production Equipment Effects on Gas Measurement

The drill bit penetrates a rock formation thousands of feet below the surface of the earth, a steel casing is slid into the hole, and perforations are made to the casing that reach into the surrounding rock.

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