The American School of Gas Measurement Technology (ASGMT) has been at the forefront of flow measurement training since its inception in 1966. Over the years, ASGMT has evolved to encompass comprehensive training in measuring fluids in both gas and liquid states. With a commitment to excellence, ASGMT now offers an extensive curriculum comprising over 120 lecture classes, complemented by 54 Hands-On Product Training sessions led by industry experts, and sessions providing a brief overview of new products.


September 15th – 18th, 2025


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May 19, 2017

We study Engineering, Accounting, Business Management, Computer Science and a host of other curriculums on our way to employment. Technical schools teach us Ohm’s Law, Fundamental Physics, Chemistry, Electronics and Welding. Courses and complete degree programs in Leadership are available but for some reason, Effective Leadership is rarely taught in the disciplines found in our industry. While we admire sports heroes and winning coaches, how often do we admire winning CEOs or Managers? How many coaches, teachers or other people of influence have mentored us to success? How do we adapt the winning qualities we find in sports or college to Leadership in our careers? Sadly, Managers often lead or manage as they were managed. Traditions and bad habits persist as employees tolerate poor leadership and sometimes move to competition or out of the industry all together.
Market trends find us increasingly dependent upon technology with many managers believing computers, smart phones and elaborate SCADA networks enhance productivity to the point we are expected to accomplish more with less people; all in shorter periods of time. People need to communicate with each other effectively, taking time to use these tools to their advantage and not being bogged down because we can instantly communicate. Critical thinking skills and experience keep daily operations on the right path. Effective leadership sees communication tools for the positives they are, leveraging them to their fullest value, never overlooking the value of face to face communication.
Concepts in this writing are effectively applied to everyday business. Emergencies or military action require an entirely different set of Leadership skills. For our purposes, Effective Leadership consists of establishing a Vision and making it plain. The vision is carried out by someone with a passion for a cause larger than they are, with a dream that will better society through empowering people with clear communication of the vision, while providing the tools and Budgets necessary to excel and then staying out of the way. Empowering people to use their creativity to overcome obstacles is a significant element of effective leadership.
Corporate America is driven by Corporate Goals fulfilled by meeting existing and new client needs. Capturing new geography or adding products or services to an offering helps grow market share and hopefully profits. Federal Regulations for product Quality and measurement as well as Safety Compliance are outside influences that affect daily activities. Seemingly endless corporate policies and procedure additions or changes affect our behavior. Within these confines, we figure out how to do our job while maintaining integrity in a climate of sometimes humanly unrealistic schedules. With all our competitors considered, there are times we think our own company is our worst enemy. As new policies are established or worse yet a company establishes trends with “management by best seller;” change seems constant. How do we manage Consolidations, Mergers and Acquisitions when they affect our clients or worse yet, our company? How do Security Concerns affect our business and what about competition? In simple terms, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Change for the sake of change is not necessarily good. For that matter, wasteful change compromises Management’s credibility. Focus on what works well and leave it alone. Notice bottlenecks and repair them. Keep visions and goals simple and you will succeed.

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