The American School of Gas Measurement Technology (ASGMT) has been at the forefront of flow measurement training since its inception in 1966. Over the years, ASGMT has evolved to encompass comprehensive training in measuring fluids in both gas and liquid states. With a commitment to excellence, ASGMT now offers an extensive curriculum comprising over 120 lecture classes, complemented by 54 Hands-On Product Training sessions led by industry experts, and sessions providing a brief overview of new products.


September 15th – 18th, 2025


school ASGMT On-Site School


The School is the largest gas measurement school in the United States. ASGMT offers a variety of courses related to natural gas measurement and technology. Some of the courses we offer include:

01 Fundamental Measurement: These courses cover the basics of natural gas/liquid measurement, including uncertainties, formulas, units, pressure and temperature

02 Gas Sampling, Analysis, and Chromatography: These courses cover the principles and applications of sampling equipment, collection, analysis, reporting, audit/inspection, and how determined values should be applied.

03 Gas Regulation and Control: These courses cover the principles and applications of gas regulation and control, including pressure regulation, flow control, and gas quality.

04 Measurement Audit: These courses cover the principles and applications of measurement auditing, including techniques and measurement uncertainty analysis.

05 Office Procedures and Accounting: These courses cover general office and accounting procedures such as, measurement standard operating procedures (SOPs), measurement guidelines, and Loss and Uncounted For (LUF).

These courses are designed for everyone from a student to a seasoned industry veteran in the natural gas and liquids industry who are involved in field and office measurement, regulation, control, and auditing.
The School is comprised of a two-full-day and one-half-day series of hourly lectures and hands-on classes. In addition, there is an exhibit hall filled with 100+ exhibitors plus an option for plant tours.


school better Education

At the time of registration, the registrants receive access to the “Proceedings” of the American School of Gas Measurement Technology containing the technical papers to be presented in the various lectures which comprise the current program. It also contains the General Chairman’s Opening Remarks and a biography of the Principal Speaker. Each registrant should plan their schedule carefully and adhere to it in order to derive maximum benefit from ASGMT. 

The American School of Gas Measurement Technology is a non-profit organization which has always been self-supporting. The expenditures of the ASGMT are paid entirely from the proceeds of the school. The formal “Proceedings” of the school are published by the General Committee and are made available without additional cost to each paid registrant.

It is the purpose of the ASGMT, the sponsoring associations, and the operating and manufacturing companies within the petroleum and natural gas industry, to provide instruction on technical subjects for people in the industry. In this way, proper facility design, installation, operation, and maintenance of measurement and regulation equipment, and the handling of natural gas, is presented and studied. Accurate and useful information is also developed and published for the benefit of the industry and the general public.


School ASGMT School Equips You

To Succeed

Low student cost

Located in the energy capital of the world (Houston, TX)

The number of courses we offer: 115 Lecture classes and 48 hands-on-classes

Over 100 exhibitors that are equipped to provide valuable knowledge on the latest equipment and technology our industry has available

Hybrid GMF & LMF

Individualized training in Natural Gas or Liquid measurement.

Training for entry level to seasoned industry veterans.


program and instruction Program and Instruction

The Principal Speaker for the General Assembly is selected by the General Chairman. The instructors for the specialized classes of the School are a diversified group, comprised of members of the faculty of major universities who offer engineering instructions pertinent to ASGMT’s themes, representatives from the petroleum industry, representatives of equipment manufacturers, and others directly interested in the science of gas measurement. These speakers and instructors are selected by the Program Subcommittee from the available candidates recommended by the General Committee.

exhibits On-Site educational


Many equipment companies have assisted ASGMT through educational exhibits and class instruction. They recognize the impropriety of competitive selling during school hours, and at the request of the General Committee have observed such—you never have to worry about sales or advertising. Preparations of exhibits and the cooperation of the exhibitors is very much appreciated by ASGMT, and is necessary for our continued success.


finance School


The American School of Gas Measurement Technology is a non-profit organization, which has always been self-supporting. The expenditures of the School are paid entirely from the proceeds of the School Publications.

The formal “Proceedings” are comprised of the technical papers presented at ASGMT and are published by the General Committee. It also contains the General Chairman’s Opening Remarks presented at the General Assembly and a biography of the Principal Speaker. Other useful information is included in the “Proceedings.”

Coming soon